The development of a written Fire and Evacuation Plan is a process that must be ‘owned’ by the end user to ensure that procedures are not merely a generic document with little practical impact on emergency responses. BFSA will work with you to develop the procedural base that is wholly site specific and tailored to the sites’ individual needs.
In accordance with the Building Fire Safety Regulation 2008 QLD, all sites must have a written Fire and Evacuation Plan that ensures you are prepared to deal with a Fire/Hazardous Materials Emergency in your workplace.

If you want to take your planning to the next level, BFSA can assist by upgrading your Fire and Evacuation Plan to an Emergency Management Plan that holistically covers the sites risks, exposures and responses to perceived impending emergencies. This can include Bomb Threats, Active Armed Offender Situations, Lock Downs, Power Failures, Pandemic Responses or any other emergency that potentially leaves your workplace exposed.

Bomb Threats

Active Armed Offender

Lock Down

For each of these procedural modules BFSA will consult with stakeholders, assess your environment and develop procedure that ensures your documentation is bespoke for its context. We are not in the business of trotting out tired, generic, ham-fisted procedures that many clients before you have already paid for time and time again. Our approaches are unique in their aspect – as they are required to be by law!
History shows us that after the dust has settled, it is procedures and frameworks that will become the subject matter and ultimate focus of a post incident investigation. It is upon these procedures that we will be collectively held to account. Ask yourself, would you stand with confidence in front of an inquest with your non site-focussed procedures the only weapon in your arsenal?